Created: 6/2/1954

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Acting Obae* of Btctico, duoieaala Jlty TJIrOitfi&LtTX)




Script* "Is Quatasaln doonod tore forwarding herewith copy of subject sorlptf prepared for ShTOMAUi. Like the preceding coca, this is for your own information end guidance only and not to be shown to any outside agent.





UATtt)t! w/att)


Ia (kietesela doorasd tooother Morsoj

Luring tho loot fowhe scope, coraplaxity end nod arabition of the ocnesjnlat plot agaiaet oar beloved uoaelend rapidly unfoldod not only before your oyos, but before public opinion in othor Latin Aaarloon countries end all over the world as well* the ominous ooDparlsonooond Koroe" hse boon mentioned tine end again, Ins ooaBunlate and their caap followero screno* "foreign lflperLSllsv intervention throatcne to turn Quatonnlfl Into anotherut oven independent and oppositional writers and spent ere, possibly in good faith, try to ednonish our liberation movementi "Don't do anything rashr else you will give theretext to start another Korean war.*

In order to clarify our own stand on those contradictory, but equally gLoony predictions, let us first reneober clearly what actually happened in Korea so that we understandoBporison between our situation now and ths situation that existed ln Korea actually aeons.

euinoula off the <uolflo coast of the Asiatic asinlend, bordering on China (haacharia) not far fronitlao rrovinoes of the -'ovist Onion and opposite the island enpire of Japan, hadapanese calory for about uo years. ^Airing World Wsr II, the anti-Axis povere promised Korea's liberation frca Japanese oocupatic In ths last dcye of too war, ins$ ssssrlcon troope landed in the aouth of Korea, while Soviet troope entered the oountry aoroes its iiorthero boundaries, both amies for the agreed purpose of taking the Japanese troops prisoners md roaoving then from the land, h parallel, roughly dividing the peninsula into half, hod been date mined as deoarcation line between American and Russian troops.

The Kuseians, however, droppen soon an iron curtain alone this doniorcation Urn (which hod been never aeont tcoUtloal border) andonmnnist

rejisss north of this artificial Uno. AU ottetspte to got than to agree toelections foiled. fcrrorthelaas, tho Aceriosa troops loft thoArray Mved out ot tho sane tine, buttrons ocraainist Horth adreah anay behind, equipped vith era* token from the defeated Japanese or furnished by Missis, there una only apolioe force ln deiBocrotlo South loroo.

Inosoow ordered the aorth loreen oonottiLrts to Invade oaaeseeloee oouth loresnalnly for tvo puzpoeoci to deotunatrst* to the root of ftsla (and of tha world) the halplocsnans of tho denooretln ocuatrlaa ino* Of"irresistible" conseinlst ajgpeision, but nlao toantage point froa which to attack later Japan, first with subversive propaganda and than ailitarily, too.

Jut Hoscou's accreeslve achaains was steed on entirely arong proaises, on a

e distortion ond niaunderotanding If pnllt.losl and aoral reality as It exists in the ncn-ooBDunlst worldt while tho ^orth Korean polioe force vas easily driven book by tbe volX-arned North aoreanhe United nation*orce caaposed of troope froa lb nations. troops, but also Turkish, )reek and even rxhiccdanotolp repel this whwnvilRss broach of tho ponce.

the united nations forces stopped onunlst soreaslon near the aoutharneoethe lorean peninsulc snd drove then crsatlly baok all ths way, earoee tho Jflthntil the Worth korean forceo voro virtlly annihilated near the northern border of Korea, adjoinina unlneso Haaohurla, labia oruoiol sxvasnt, tho Jhinoso ^oaaunlstc oano to ihe reoouo of their beaten sowotal of about one sjlalnainM be United the Chinese had amy recklessly asoririeed nuriireoa of th usance of live/ it* ovn soldiers to BSaal up for ths shortage in heavy erne (which dhina lidi produco horeelf sod which .fliesia was reluctant to olvcveooush that oa roeslon had been ordered

by noecow). Later, tho ^oriels aew (haaeelvoe oonpalled to oone to th* old of tholr JUnooo oonnco fodder by oendlns Jet plonee (KIOand other nodarn


..capita ell ocoeuniet orforte, the ^ilneee barely nmnsgrd to re-occupy grusiall> moat of tbe territory north of the Joth parallel which had been under oonreiolot oontrol already bafare they etarted their atfreeelre loraelaa of Southernong ttaleaate, the Ocaasnletc vara finally forood to alrr. en araletlee withnlted Rations, oreo ocnoeding that their own eoldiars who had been taken pI^sonera oy the APhi.troope but did oot went to return to the coaraiaiet

not bo repofioted involuntarily. It had bean tale conaunlat doaaad for oaBp^sQry reposition of all prisoners which had held up araiatioe negotiation* for aoro than coo ye* qbbsLos aany needless BddUlrnol casualties' noro than Jb,JGQorean aoldiara ohoae froodoa and did not return.

^ daaii) aoroun experience wean for no in Quateaala? riret of oil,'the uonrainiste ware tao aggressorsJust ae they alone haveat, rer-oretha laperisllatln aany parte of the worldtho ocaEuniate aad their friends ln our oountry warn

oolncualy thatssls la toecond tores, they really laply that they are gattlncot of tt&reeaiaonoplng, of oouree, for tetter results Uian they aanafcoijeTe in scree.

y of the ftoreen afigiaeelon provouinot it bad been possible ally beoaaaowas virtually defonaelcoo, observinc passively how the north Koreans trlaion. iftar division, roooived one ehipoant oj Soviet cod aadother, organised oonaunlat guerilla troope and aopTninc for all of uei wo auot now wait until the oa*uriicta

in our country areor araed agsrossian, too. Sheto do its

duty defending our canetttulon end our liberties, the Landing sou distribution of further shLpsssnts of Soviet erasrevanUxU *ho ootonilst oonepircoy met bo rendered horniest) before it roeulto in devastating; bloodshed end ruin as it did in Keren*

third end finally, thu korean story proves that the oonrsinloto, despite their isngalon&vilooal claine to pooseee superior poll tiednd wisdom, are blundering again and again, unable to understand the realities of this world, sdnlod by theirgodlees philoeoplQ> We oust therefore not allow ourselvese lntlsddated, neither by eoarainiet throats and terrorise, nor by the fainthearted advise of oppetoere end oonproadsere.

look st tho pictures of the soroon towns end villages in ruins, roadorios of tbe frightful sufferings of the Korean people, of ths killings, tortures, kldnaopincF sstse deportations to forced looar to which they wore exposed under Ned ruloi than you know flbst'o In store for yourself, your fanUy, end your country if we wait till the ocenuniBts have on opportunity to turn OuatessOnecond Koroe.

Let's not waiu lot's sot now] let's put sn end to tha oonspireoy of the oooxaunists, their olltoa snd their laorceiiariQSi *et's put en ond to the treacherousreglnc and let's safeguard, peace end fraudco; of our beloved hone Ion dj

Original document.

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